The association that these songs have with the early 80s is the result of MTV’s hype machine in action, steering cultural energy towards singles that would burn brightly for awhile and fade. To this end, there was a subtle suggestion back then that Men at Work were Australia's answer to The Police, and stylistically this is somewhat justifiable. Although Men at Work employed a similar New Wave reggae in their style, they had a distinctive ground-level earthiness that distanced them from the intellectualized approach of their British peers. More subtly, they used reggae's exotic associations to capitalize on the "down underness" of their Australian identity, which had quite a bit of value in the 80s when the world was still relatively big.
From a certain perspective, this and some of the other non-radio tracks might be considered “filler," but most of them are actually quite good in their own right. Due to its consistency and distinctive sound, Business as Usual has found its way into rotation again and again over the years. I have often played with the idea of getting the album’s follow-up, Cargo, to see if it stands up to its predecessor. Not too seriously, though, because it has been on my Amazon list since 2003. In all honesty, it wouldn't be the first time I owned the album. Cargo was given to me on vinyl as a birthday present in my youth and was one of the few records I ever owned, but I've never gone back and added it to my CD collection. I don't think I have heard it in its entirety since 1983. Perhaps the time is coming soon for me to remedy that.
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