Sunday, March 9, 2025

2025 Album Showdown Results: Tier 1, Week 2

Week 2 is down, and although the Viewer’s Choice results still match the prime list, there were a couple of surprises.  These are always interesting.  I usually walk into a showdown with some kind of idea about what the outcome will be, but it is not unusual for first impressions to get flipped when albums are placed side-by-side.

Last week I mentioned the changes I made in this year’s tournament structure.  I keep a log of my listening so that by the time I get to constructing the brackets, I know which albums I have listened to the most.  The original concept was that the albums with the most listens should be my favorites.  This has grown increasingly problematic, however, for two reasons.

One is that certain albums only work in certain settings.  For example, an extreme metal album will probably not get many plays with the family is around.  An ambient album, on the other hand, can get a play virtually every evening while dinner is being served.  In that case, the plays have more to do with the opportunities available than my actual connection with the album.

Secondly, in recent years, I have found that albums that I struggle with get more listens than the ones I immediately connect with.  Repeated listens come from my attempts to make sense of them.  Ultimately, these albums may never connect.  The result is that, after much consideration, albums I don’t like as much end up with more listens in the log.  Again, not really the goal.

So, for Tier 1, I have adopted the use of RateYourMusic aggregate scores to construct the Tier 1 bracket.  As I stated last week, this results in several immutable genre clashes.  This will subside a bit in Tier 2, when there is some consideration for the stylistic commonality of albums in a showdown.


Sheena Ringo – Kalk Samen Kuri No Hana VS. SlapSlap – Good Idea, Bad Execution

SlapSlap – Good Idea, Bad Execution

This was actually a HUGE upset.  In terms of concept and craft, Kalk Samen Kuri No Hana is arguably a superior album.  Despite its short run time, however, SlapSlap inevitably brings a smile to my face.  They are fantastic musicians with a unique concept of their own, but they don’t get bogged down by being overly serious.  Plus, there is an unofficial “best use of bassoon in a rock context” award that they clearly should dominate in 2025.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor – No Title As Of 12 Feburary, 2024 28340 Dead VS. LITE – Strata

Godspeed You! Black Emperor – No Title As Of 12 Feburary, 2024 28340 Dead

I love LITE from a compositional standpoint, but their increasingly ambient style and deadpan vocals work against them these days.  Godspeed You! Black Emperor’s solemn dedication and explosive performances give them an edge here.

Magma – Udu Wudu VS. Karate – Make It Fit

Karate – Make It Fit

This was also a bit of an upset for me.  I was looking forward to watching Magma dominate in 2025, but when placed side-by-side with Karate’s no-frills post-punk songwriting it became clear that Make It Fit had more merit than I expected.


Elvis Costello – This Year’s Model VS. JayWood – Sling Shot

Elvis Costello – This Year’s Model

JayWood’s album is enjoyable and engaging, but also not particularly memorable from a melodic standpoint. Even at this early phase in his career, Elvis Costello’s work oozes memorability, giving him the edge here.

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