Review and discussion on Yes’ divisive 1997 album Open Your Eyes, with a particular focus on the album’s historical relevance to their oeuvre.
Relevant links:
A collection of past writings I did on Yes and their albums
from the text days:
Review and discussion on Yes’ divisive 1997 album Open Your Eyes, with a particular focus on the album’s historical relevance to their oeuvre.
Relevant links:
A collection of past writings I did on Yes and their albums
from the text days:
Review and discussion on Moor Mother’s 2019 release Analog Fluids of Sonic Black Holes
Relevant Links:
Full Red Bull interview with Moor Mother
For more on Black Quantum Futurism
Previews of current listening, including:
Timmy Sean – A Tale From the Other Side (2021)
Mary Lattimore – Silver Ladders (2020)
Coil - Musick to Play In The Dark V.1 (1999)
Sons of Apollo – MMXX (2020)
London Grammar – If You Wait (2014)
Nils Frahm – All Melody (2018)
Full clip of Broccoli
Review and discussion on Morphine’s 1993 classic Cure for Pain, with some speculation about the origins of Mark Sandman’s unique approach to the bass.
Relevant links:
Full Diddley Bow explanation and performance
Full In Spite of Me clip by Bueno Movies
Review and discussion on Van Halen’s 1982 album Diver Down.
Relevant links:
Full video of Funky Soul’s Roller Rink version of Dancing in the Street.
Review and discussion on Aiming for Enrike’s Music for Working Out (2020) with a digression into Battles 2007 classic Mirrored for context and an examination of the nuances of looping technology.
Relevant links:
An early text post on Mirrored
Another text post on Gloss Drop
Yet another text post on Tyondai Braxton’s solo album
The full rundown of Simen’s rig by Living Room Gear Demos
The full Audiotree performance